P-DTR neurological treatment approach to orthopedics injury

P-DTR (proprioceptive deep tendon reflex) feels like the missing puzzle in the treatment of orthopedics injuries. . I didn’t know or learn about this type of treatment in the physical therapy space. I was first introduced to this therapeutic modality by a very skilled massage therapist , Maureen , who shares the office space with me. My P-DTR classmates and teachers come from the backgrounds rooted in alternative medicine and holistic wellness i.e. massage therapists , chiropractors, and movement specialists such as Pilates instructors.

The premise of the treatment is treating the “software” of the body based on neurophysiology . A software is re-boot is performed by applying a specific manual stimulus to the painful and dysfunctional areas followed by a deep tendon reflex (DTR). The clinician is then able to figure out a key part of the body’s language to decode what’s driving a person’s pain.

Success stories from this past week:

Case # 1: 59 year old man, plumber , who first injured his elbow in his teens when he landed on the elbow playing football. His pain has never been fully understood or treated by past traditional physical therapy or doctors. With a 30 minute p-dtr treatment he regained strength in multiple muscle groups and his pain was greatly reduced. He cried tears of joy as he walked out, and most importantly restored his hope that he will gain function in that arm to be able to become healthier as he ages and continues to work as a plumber.

Case #2: 40 year old mom of 8 month old and toddler , and full time student, with chief complaints of neck and lower back pain related postpartum changes, prolonged postures of breastfeeding and hours spent studying. She reported immediate ease of symptoms from a quick treatment of p-dtr.

I am hopeful that these and many more patients will move on to a more active lifestyle with less pain and fuller lives when a P-DTR treatment is combined with traditional physical therapy that involve appropriate exercises, soft tissue and joint work, and body mechanics training.

Evangeline Ventura

Owner of YogaBodyPT LLC, Physical therapist, Restorative Yoga Teacher, Yoga teacher, lifelong student


Treating “emotions” and psychological reversals with P-DTR


Physical therapy vs. Chiropractics